Cultural Kindness, Is It Conditional?

This simple still life of autumn gourds, pumpkins, and corn was a practice painting. These foods represent the simple staples that most of the world lives on, when their budget does not allow them to eat a fat rich diet of processed foods like most Americans seem to enjoy.


 A Thoughtful Drought
    By Al Vester

If a horse that is led to water
Can’t be made to drink,
Then, what proves a man
Who’s taught ideas
Can be made to think.

Cultural Kindness

Nearly every culture in the world has rules about being kind and respectful to close neighbors. However, a universal exception to the kindness rule seems to exist when dealing with people who violate cultural norms. Continue reading “Cultural Kindness, Is It Conditional?”

A Peaceful Night

“Tillamook Twilight” depicts Tillamook Bay, Oregon about twenty minutes after sunset on late winter day. Centered in the scene is a small fishing boat coming home after a long day on the Pacific Ocean. For many people in the world, night-time is coming-home time, a time to rest, and a time to be with family.

        By Al Vester

How soft is the night when the wind takes a rest
From blowing the clouds from the east to the west,
While all of the crickets are humming a tune –
A midsummer ballad to welcome the moon.

The starlit clouds make a gossamer nest
Over valley slope and mountain crest
Wrapping each creature in a silvery cloth,
It’s the fabric of sleep that’s so light and soft.

Thus, each soul is nightly dressed
In fragile garments of dreams and rest,
With warm silky touch, they caress the skin
Stilling the turmoil, we each hold within.

A Peaceful Night

We live in a world where neon lights and traffic noises often mask sunsets and nighttime stars. However, for those who live away from city lights and noises, the setting sun can paint the sky in delicate shades of blues, pinks, golds, and oranges blazing briefly before fading into a star-studded night. Continue reading “A Peaceful Night”