My Hope in Christ

Christ before Pontius Pilot
I love my Savior, God, and King
He is my hope in everything.
He is the way, the truth, the life
The cure to all our ills and strife.

Even before this world began
He was the key to Father’s plan.
He framed the mountains, filled the sea
To make a home for you and me.

He is the Christ, God’s perfect Lamb
Father’s firstborn, the Great I Am.
In his walk and talk he shows us still
The way to live our Father’s will.

He endured the whips, his flesh was torn,
The mocking men, the crown of thorns
In the garden and on the tree
He suffered pain to set us free

From guilt, and grief, and endless pain
And victory over death to gain.
Though Jesus Christ was the Son
He shares the victory he had won.

He walked the path and paved the way.
So we could in His presence stay.
His glory, his honor, in realms of light
Are promised us through his great might.

Though bought at infinite cost
Without him we’re forever lost.
To help us in our daily search
He called prophets, restored his Church

Come now, heed the prophets call
To worship Him who saved us all.
The gift of immortal life he gave
That every soul should leave the grave.

And stand before his judgment throne
To see that all their works were known
To the good, the kind, and gentle ones
He gives the power to be God’s sons.

To live in love and with him stay
In that glorious, bright eternal day
Then to our Savior, God, and King
Our heartfelt praises we will sing.

Author: Al

Native of Oregon, I served on a submarine during the Vietnam war. I have been an accountant and an information security administrator. Now, I am a retired grandpa hoping to say something that might encourage a little more kindness in this world.

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